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Air Fryer Golden Chicken with Tzatziki and Crispy Potatoes

Air Fryer Golden Chicken with Tzatziki and Crispy Potatoes

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Experience the delight of perfectly golden chicken paired with crispy air-fried potatoes, served with a refreshing homemade tzatziki sauce. This simple yet flavorful recipe makes the most of your air fryer, an essential kitchen gadget since 2022 for quick, healthy meals.


Chicken breast

Olive oil



Green salad

Greek yoghurt


Salt, pepper, grill seasoning, dill, garlic

Hot ketchup, mustard


1. Prepare Chicken:

Slice the chicken breast and marinate it in olive oil, grill seasoning, salt, and pepper for at least one hour.

2. Cook Onion:

Finely chop the onion. Preheat a pan, add a little olive oil, and cook the onion with a pinch of salt until soft.

3. Cook Chicken:

Add the marinated chicken to the hot pan. Fry until golden brown. Stir in hot ketchup and mustard, and cook for an additional minute.

4. Air Fry Potatoes:

Slice the potatoes and season with olive oil, salt, pepper, and grill seasoning. Preheat the air fryer to 200°C and cook until potatoes are golden.

5. Prepare Tzatziki Sauce:

Grate the cucumber, add salt, and squeeze out the excess water. Mix with Greek yogurt, black pepper, dill, and minced garlic.


Serve the cooked chicken and potatoes with a fresh green salad and a generous helping of tzatziki.

Enjoy this delicious meal that combines the crispiness of air-fried potatoes with the savory flavors of golden chicken, complemented by the coolness of tzatziki. Perfect for any family dinner or when you want a quick yet satisfying meal.

Bon Appetit! :) 

"Since 2022, I've been frequently using my air fryer and it has proven to be an incredibly useful kitchen appliance. The air fryer offers a healthier cooking alternative by using significantly less oil than traditional frying methods. Its efficiency and ease of use make it a staple in my daily cooking routine. If you're considering adding one to your kitchen, I highly recommend it for anyone looking to make quick, delicious, and healthier meals."

"If you're interested in experiencing the convenience and healthier cooking options of an air fryer, you can purchase your own model via this link: Purchase Air Fryer. Explore how this versatile appliance can transform your kitchen routines!"

Corsori PRO II Air Fryer

Unlock Culinary Creativity with Customizable Cooking Functions

Elevate your cooking experience with the advanced appliance that allows you to save your favorite cooking settings. Customize and save the cooking time and temperature for any preset option. Opt to add or remove a personal Shake Reminder, tailoring the device to your specific cooking preferences.

Experience Efficiency with AdaptIQ Technology

Enjoy the benefits of AdaptIQ Technology, featuring rapid 360° air circulation that heats food quickly and evenly. This state-of-the-art technology ensures crispy textures and consistent results, making every meal a crowd-pleaser.

Explore Versatile 12-in-1 Cooking Options

This versatile kitchen appliance includes 12 cooking functions to cater to all your culinary needs. Whether you're making toast, baking, cooking steak, chicken, seafood, shrimp, bacon, or frozen foods, or preparing French fries, vegetables, or just keeping food warm, this device handles it all.

Personalized Cooking with Shake Reminder

Enhance your cooking with the Personalized Shake Reminder. Choose to add or cancel this feature based on your preference, allowing for a truly customized cooking experience.

Inspiration with COSORI Cookbook

Included with your purchase is a COSORI Cookbook, brimming with delicious, chef-created recipes. Explore over 100 meal ideas designed to inspire and simplify your home cooking.

Perfect for Family Meals

Designed with your family in mind, the spacious 5.8-quart square baskets accommodate a whole 5 lb chicken, making it perfect for serving 3-5 people. Enjoy the convenience of preparing hearty family dinners with ease.

Accessories at Your Fingertips

Easily enhance your cooking experience by purchasing additional accessories. Search "B0BSFNTD3N" for disposable liners suitable for 5-6Qt air fryers, "B08YDQSG55" for an extra original inner basket, or "B07QHSZGXC" for the original COSORI accessories set.


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